Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Let's continue the fun!

This project is a continuation of doixanh's personal ROM, known as GingerDX.(Xperia X8)
("Ginger" as in "Gingerbread", and "DX" as in short for "doixanh")

Brought to you by Team GingerDX:
B.Jay, eagleeyetom, Maze_fr and djnilse

As set in stone by doixanh, the main goal is to have a fast, smooth and lightweight CM7 based ROM with some special features.

GingerDX now even has its own IRC channel!
If you feel like chatting with each other or hanging out with us: #GingerDX on FreeNode
NOTE: Before you click the link to get to FreeNode's webchat or fire up your IRC clients:
The developers are NOT your personal support helpdesk nor root of endless knowledge.
If you are a developer or have a really urgent or tricky problem come tell us about it.

ive got all permissions to port this rom
original link of this rom is here http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1188486


  • Minimal number of apps are installed.
  • Lightweight.
  • ZIP-aligned, App2SD, ...
  • As smooth as doixanh's CM6 Froyo ROMs in 2D (menu scrolling/flinging...)
  • AChep's ICSandwich Theme included.
  • WEP AdHoc support
  • ClockworkMod recovery
  • CallMeLouder: Louder ringer when the phone is inside a bag or pocket.
  • Improved Flipping down mutes ringer
  • Flipping down snoozes alarm
  • Disable LED notification in night
  • Back button ends call
  • Built-in Transparent Status Bar support (multiple options)
  • Hide avatar in SMS
  • Quick Copy / Quick Paste
  • View.measure() method caching for improved 2D performance
  • Custom carrier text
  • Built-in loop ringtone support without OGG editing
  • Optimized ("smoothened") scrolling/flinging
  • Random Lockscreen
  • Sense Lockscreen
  • Smart dialer
  • Center clock on status bar option
  • Status bar battery indicator
  • BatteryBar in statusbar
  • Configuration section (with localization for many languages)
  • EduRoam WiFi compatible!
  • ICSified Settings by djnilse


Port_V1_Ace= Dl link Please Press here To Download

Other related files

Here are a few extra files out of the compile. Get them from MediaFire.
  • android_audio.mp3 - GingerDX's boot sound (put it into /system/media)
  • Email.apk - for accessing Exchange e-mail accounts
  • FileManager.apk - CyanogenMod File Manager
  • Launcher2.apk - Stock Gingerbread Launcher
  • QuickSearchBox.apk - Was removed from the ROM due to popular request.
Unless stated otherwise put the apk into /system/app, set permissions and reboot.

Project sources and licenses
  • Our source code repository at GitHub (for GingerDX v023 onwards)
  • Sources forked from Cyanogenmod are published under the terms of the Apache License 2.0
  • Code contributions and binary distributions are published under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
  • NOTE: "Soft-Modders" are exempt from the licensing terms above. You are NOT allowed to use the pre-built ROM, or any parts thereof, in any way, shape, or form. Don't bother asking for permit, you won't get it.
  • If you want to join in development to help advancing the ROM, or want to port it to other devices, then please drop us a PM or contact us at our IRC channel.
  • doixanh's source repository at GitHub (for GingerDX up to v022)
  • Sources and binary distribution of GingerDX up to v022 are published under license terms set forth by doixanh.

Previous AddOns (Optional)
NOTE: Flash these AFTER you flashed GingerDX


Very important. Read all before posting questions!
1. This ROM is based on doixanh's personal ROM and continued in the same philosophy to keep it as lightweight as possible. You can report bugs in this thread and suggest additions, but understand we're not obligated to fix or include them. We'll fix what is needed, and we'll include what makes sense.
2. We are NOT responsible for any bugs caused by custom-made fixes/additions/tweaks. You use them at your own risk and responsibility!
3. Regarding the copyright branding at the bottom in Lockscreen: We will NOT remove them nor provide any option to disable them. Don't PM/Post to ask for the removal or nag otherwise.
4. If you have battery drain, try the following:
  • Clear battery stats in recovery.
  • Freeze unused services (like Email, DSP Manager, Maps). This is important.
  • Turn OFF 'Allow mock locations'.
  • Don't set brightness too high.
  • Don't install too many unused apps.
  • Turn OFF WiFi, 2G, 3G, GPS, Bluetooth when not in use.
  • Turn OFF LED Succession.
  • Reboot after you listen to music. Music service caused battery drain (in the past).
  • Generally, doixanh and me usually get 2-3 days out of a charge (give or take depending on usage).
5. If you still have battery drain after following Step 4, try:
  • Full wipe in recovery, re-install GingerDX.
  • Use Stock ROM for several days to see if the battery problem is caused by GingerDX or not.
  • If it doesn't drain, try installing one of your apps, test battery for a day, install another one, and test.
  • and so on...
That way you will know what's the cause of your battery drain.

Thanks go to the CyanogenMod Team, doixanh for this great ROM and all the modules, racht, nobodyAtall, zdzihu, jerpelea and lots of others...
Thanks also go out to Google for their great little Android.
And don't let us forget to throw Sony Ericsson a thanks for their nice X8 hardware but craptastic software support.
Special thanks to B_jay and eagleeyetom and djnilis and all GDX team members for letting me port this
Let's continue the fun!

This project is a continuation of doixanh's personal ROM, known as GingerDX.(Xperia X8)
("Ginger" as in "Gingerbread", and "DX" as in short for "doixanh")

Brought to you by Team GingerDX:
B.Jay, eagleeyetom, Maze_fr and djnilse

As set in stone by doixanh, the main goal is to have a fast, smooth and lightweight CM7 based ROM with some special features.

GingerDX now even has its own IRC channel!
If you feel like chatting with each other or hanging out with us: #GingerDX on FreeNode
NOTE: Before you click the link to get to FreeNode's webchat or fire up your IRC clients:
The developers are NOT your personal support helpdesk nor root of endless knowledge.
If you are a developer or have a really urgent or tricky problem come tell us about it.

ive got all permissions to port this rom
original link of this rom is here http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1188486


  • Minimal number of apps are installed.
  • Lightweight.
  • ZIP-aligned, App2SD, ...
  • As smooth as doixanh's CM6 Froyo ROMs in 2D (menu scrolling/flinging...)
  • AChep's ICSandwich Theme included.
  • WEP AdHoc support
  • ClockworkMod recovery
  • CallMeLouder: Louder ringer when the phone is inside a bag or pocket.
  • Improved Flipping down mutes ringer
  • Flipping down snoozes alarm
  • Disable LED notification in night
  • Back button ends call
  • Built-in Transparent Status Bar support (multiple options)
  • Hide avatar in SMS
  • Quick Copy / Quick Paste
  • View.measure() method caching for improved 2D performance
  • Custom carrier text
  • Built-in loop ringtone support without OGG editing
  • Optimized ("smoothened") scrolling/flinging
  • Random Lockscreen
  • Sense Lockscreen
  • Smart dialer
  • Center clock on status bar option
  • Status bar battery indicator
  • BatteryBar in statusbar
  • Configuration section (with localization for many languages)
  • EduRoam WiFi compatible!
  • ICSified Settings by djnilse


Port_V1_Ace= Dl link Please Press here To Download

Other related files

Here are a few extra files out of the compile. Get them from MediaFire.
  • android_audio.mp3 - GingerDX's boot sound (put it into /system/media)
  • Email.apk - for accessing Exchange e-mail accounts
  • FileManager.apk - CyanogenMod File Manager
  • Launcher2.apk - Stock Gingerbread Launcher
  • QuickSearchBox.apk - Was removed from the ROM due to popular request.
Unless stated otherwise put the apk into /system/app, set permissions and reboot.

Project sources and licenses
  • Our source code repository at GitHub (for GingerDX v023 onwards)
  • Sources forked from Cyanogenmod are published under the terms of the Apache License 2.0
  • Code contributions and binary distributions are published under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
  • NOTE: "Soft-Modders" are exempt from the licensing terms above. You are NOT allowed to use the pre-built ROM, or any parts thereof, in any way, shape, or form. Don't bother asking for permit, you won't get it.
  • If you want to join in development to help advancing the ROM, or want to port it to other devices, then please drop us a PM or contact us at our IRC channel.
  • doixanh's source repository at GitHub (for GingerDX up to v022)
  • Sources and binary distribution of GingerDX up to v022 are published under license terms set forth by doixanh.

Previous AddOns (Optional)
NOTE: Flash these AFTER you flashed GingerDX


Very important. Read all before posting questions!
1. This ROM is based on doixanh's personal ROM and continued in the same philosophy to keep it as lightweight as possible. You can report bugs in this thread and suggest additions, but understand we're not obligated to fix or include them. We'll fix what is needed, and we'll include what makes sense.
2. We are NOT responsible for any bugs caused by custom-made fixes/additions/tweaks. You use them at your own risk and responsibility!
3. Regarding the copyright branding at the bottom in Lockscreen: We will NOT remove them nor provide any option to disable them. Don't PM/Post to ask for the removal or nag otherwise.
4. If you have battery drain, try the following:
  • Clear battery stats in recovery.
  • Freeze unused services (like Email, DSP Manager, Maps). This is important.
  • Turn OFF 'Allow mock locations'.
  • Don't set brightness too high.
  • Don't install too many unused apps.
  • Turn OFF WiFi, 2G, 3G, GPS, Bluetooth when not in use.
  • Turn OFF LED Succession.
  • Reboot after you listen to music. Music service caused battery drain (in the past).
  • Generally, doixanh and me usually get 2-3 days out of a charge (give or take depending on usage).
5. If you still have battery drain after following Step 4, try:
  • Full wipe in recovery, re-install GingerDX.
  • Use Stock ROM for several days to see if the battery problem is caused by GingerDX or not.
  • If it doesn't drain, try installing one of your apps, test battery for a day, install another one, and test.
  • and so on...
That way you will know what's the cause of your battery drain.

Thanks go to the CyanogenMod Team, doixanh for this great ROM and all the modules, racht, nobodyAtall, zdzihu, jerpelea and lots of others...
Thanks also go out to Google for their great little Android.
And don't let us forget to throw Sony Ericsson a thanks for their nice X8 hardware but craptastic software support.
Special thanks to B_jay and eagleeyetom and djnilis and all GDX team members for letting me port this